Over the years Matthieu Bonnafous has gained valuable experience about the Singapore tennis industry and coaching career. In the past few years, Matthieu has helped several aspiring coaches enhance their on-court competencies, newcomers to understand better the local tennis landscape, coaches and employers to move toward fair employment practices and parents on how to best approach junior development in Singapore. This experience has led him to set up consulting services as a side activity to help tennis actors in the following areas:


For Singapore Based Tennis Coaches

– Ensuring work contract is fair

– Establishing own business

– Understanding the parameters which determine the Singapore tennis industry

– Effectively running group classes and tennis camps

– Implementing efficient booking processes

– Strengthening coaching competencies and toolbox

– Forming effective partnerships with other coaches 

– Attracting first students


For Foreign Tennis Coaches

– Assessing employment pass eligibility

– Assessing the fairness and legitimacy of a job offer

– Understanding the life of a tennis coach in Singapore

– Knowing Singapore market rates


For Employers

– Understanding employment regulations and standards

– Sourcing and recruiting experienced coaches

– Managing attendance records and bookkeeping


For Clubs, Organisations, Schools, Companies, Hotels

– Setting up customized tennis programme and event schedule for members

– Establishing partnership, revenue models with tennis contractors

– Determining court rental rates


For Condominium Management

– Regulating tennis facilities usage

– Ensuring effective and safe use of tennis facilities

– Implementing smooth court booking processes


For Interclub, JTTL, WITS Ladies Team Captains

– Developing season programming for players

– Organising team bonding 


For Parents of Junior Competitive Players

– Maximising the Southeast Asian tennis ecosystem

– Identifying training and overseas tour options

– Understanding Singapore competitive tennis system


For Builders/Contractors

– Developing tennis programme

– Developing budget


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